Join The Propane Collective
Currently open only to Coloma-Lotus Co-op Members
Read through the info on this site.
In particular, be sure to review the Pricing details, the new Membership program, and key AmeriGas transition details.
Questions? Check out the FAQ.
Complete the SIGN-UP FORM.
Pay your invoice to The Propane Collective by 2/15.
Check your email for a Paypal invoice. ​
You do not need a Paypal account; invoices can be paid by credit card thru PayPal.
Complete InterState's paperwork including their credit application.
Expect an email from InterState Propane within 2 weeks of paying your invoice.
See details under "Eligibility" on the Pricing page.
InterState will contact you to schedule tank change-outs for leased tanks and/or leak tests for Customer Owned Tanks.
​Your tank must be around 30% or less for a tank change-out.
Change your existing propane service to will-call so you don't get an inadvertent fill.​
Call AmeriGas / your current provider to cancel service after your tank is set and/or leak test is completed.
See AmeriGas Details for important info.
NOTE: InterState appointments will continue into spring, or perhaps early summer.
The answers to many questions can be found on the AmeriGas Details and FAQ pages. If your question isn't answered there, please email me.​
I realize this new program is a big change, and that there is a LOT of information to review.
I appreciate your patience these past months and for reading through all of this info!